Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | Refugee

CPIN: Nigeria (19 July 2021)

Replaced ‘Boko Haram, Nigeria, January 2019’ with ‘Islamist extremist groups in North East Nigeria, July 2021’ on the GOV.UK website. A comparison between the new and previous versions of the […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Offender management (19 July 2021)

Added ‘Reporting and offender management: telephone reporting pilot’ below. This interim guidance is for Immigration Enforcement staff and sets out the reporting and offender management (ROM) policy on telephone reporting […]

Home Office Documents | Racial Justice and Equality Working Group

Windrush: engagement events (19 July 2021)

Added details of Windrush engagement Zoom event on 28 July.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Prove your English language abilities with a secure English language test (SELT) (19 July 2021)

Please find below an updated list of test centres in and outside the UK as found on the GOV.UK website.

Home Office Documents

Coronavirus (COVID-19): jobs that qualify for travel exemptions (19 July 2021)

Changes to amber list rules for people who are fully vaccinated under the UK vaccination programme.

Home Office Documents

Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents (19 July 2021)

Changes to the If you’re outside the UK section and paragraphs under heading ‘If you’re outside the UK and your leave has expired before you are able to return’ removed […]

Home Office Documents | European

EU Settlement Scheme: communications information for applicants (16 July 2021)

Please find below a recently added factsheet: ‘EU Settlement Scheme: at a glance information for applicants’ as published on the GOV.UK website.

ILPA documents

OISC Annual Report and Accounts: 2020 to 2021 (19 July 2021)

Please find below the recent publication of the OISC Annual Reports and Accounts, as published on the GOV.UK website.

Key document | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA Letter to Judge Clements, President – FtTIAC (22 July 2021)

Please see below ILPA’s Letter to Judge Clements regarding a new procedure in the First-tier Tribunal.

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