Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | Refugee

Pakistan CPIN: actors of protection (2 July 2020)

First version of discrete CPIN on actors of protection.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Iraq CPIN: internal relocation, civil documentation and returns (30 June 2020)

Updated information on obtaining a CSID via the Iraqi Embassy in London.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Bangladesh CPIN: women fearing gender-based violence (29 June 2020)

Updated assessment and country information.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Albania CPIN: trafficking of women for sexual exploitation (29 June 2020)

Both country information and assessment have been updated.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Afghanistan CPIN: anti-government elements (23 June 2020)

Updated assessment to include the country guidance case AS (Safety of Kabul). Afghanistan (CG) [2020] UKUT 130 (IAC) (1 May 2020). The Home Office says there been no substantive update […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Pre-entry health assessments guidance for UK refugees (17 June 2020)

Updated to reflect the UK resettlement scheme, amended medication supply and added new accommodation/mobility form.

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Application for a certificate of entitlement to the right of abode (form ROA) (29 June 2020)

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Fee waiver: human rights-based and other specified applications (18 June 2020)

This guidance clarifies the five reasons for which a fee waiver may be granted and explains how to apply evidential flexibility. Please note ILPA has raised concerns with this guidance […]

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Form AN and guidance (17 June 2020)

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