Resource Archive

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ILPA documents

ILPA Monthly January 2021 – Articles

Court of Appeal grants permission to appeal to the Appellant in MY (refusal of human rights claim) Pakistan [2020] UKUT 89 (IAC) To refuse or not to refuse The Court […]

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

Letter to the Home Office from ILPA, Southall Black Sisters, and Rights of Women re: transnational marriage abandonment (26 January 2021)

With thanks to the convenors of the Family & Personal Migration Working Group, please see the below letter which we have sent to UKVI asking for steps to be taken […]

ILPA documents | Legislation

Legislation Working Group training materials – 12 January 2021

The ILPA Legislation Working Group ran a free all-members training session on how to work on Bills in Parliament and how to influence the content of immigration and immigration-related legislation. […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Asylum screening and routing (31 December 2020)


Home Office Documents | Refugee

Tracing family members of unaccompanied asylum seeking children (31 December 2020)


Home Office Documents | Refugee

Assessing age for asylum applicants (31 December 2020)


Home Office Documents | Refugee

Calais leave (31 December 2020)


Home Office Documents | Refugee

Processing children’s asylum claims (31 December 2020)


Home Office Documents | Refugee

Family reunion (31 December 2020)


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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on