Resource Archive

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ILPA documents | Immigration Professional Support Lawyers (PSL) Network

ILPA PSL network agenda and minutes for 29 July 2020 meeting

ILPA PSL Network The first ILPA PSL Network meeting is 29 July, 17:00pm – 18:00pm. The meeting will primarily be for introductory purposes. AGENDA 1.          Welcome and introductions 2.         […]

ILPA documents | Scotland

ILPA Scotland working group: update on evictions (16 July 2020) and members’ survey

ILPA Scotland Working Group Working group survey and update on evictions (16 July 2020) Dear members Please see two updates below from the Scotland Working Group. Working group survey A […]

Minutes | European

Agenda for ILPA European Working Group 22 July 2020

The agenda for this meeting is as follows: ICIBI call for evidence on settled status – key issues to highlight in ILPA’s response. Reporting changes of circumstance and pre-settled status, […]

ILPA documents | Northern Ireland

Irish citizens & people of Northern Ireland in UK immigration and nationality law after Brexit Webinar Recording

PLEASE NOTE: All content in this webinar was correct at the time of recording (15 July 2020). As the guidance in this area is rapidly changing please ensure your refer […]

ILPA documents | Northern Ireland

Irish citizens & people of Northern Ireland in UK immigration and nationality law after Brexit Resources

ILPA documents | Economic Migration

Simplification of the Rules – papers for next meeting on 22 July

The next meeting with the Home Office’s Simplification of the Immigration Rules Review Committee is taking place on 22 July 2020. Please see the relevant papers below. Please provide comments […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Publication of DSO 09 2007 Detainees cash on escorts

Home Office detention services order about its procedure when escorting detainees with cash in their possession. Replaced document with a new version.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

UKVI Guidance on application for UK visa as Tier 2 worker (14 July 2020)

This guidance has been updated to include a new section on the Health and Care Visa in Part A.

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on