Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | Refugee

Modern slavery: how to identify and support victims (9 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below with updates to: Making a Reasonable Grounds Decision- Chapter 8- Annex F 

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Asylum accommodation requests: caseworker guidance (9 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below to clarify policy.  

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

International Sportsperson: caseworker guidance (5 October 2023)

The version 5.0 guidance has been updated below to reflect Appendix Children, which has been added to the Immigration Rules.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Borders, immigration and citizenship: privacy information notice (9 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below to reflect changes to the moratorium on historical child sexual abuse. 

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Sponsor guidance appendix A: supporting documents for sponsor applications (9 October 2023)

The guidance has updated below, with the following changes made: table 1, row 4: clarification that diplomatic missions, consular posts and international organisations applying under routes other than International Agreement […]

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Sponsor a Scale-up Worker (9 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below with the following changes:

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UK-Serbia declaration of intent on organised immigration crime (6 October 2023)

First published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Last chance to have your say on new OISC Code (6 October 2023)

Details confirming that the consultation on a new version of the OISC’s Code of Standards have been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Assessing the English language requirement: caseworker guidance (5 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below in line with Immigration Rules changes.  

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on