Resource Type: Children

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Children

Mailing or Enclosure | Children

All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Children minutes of meeting 12 December 2011 Children and the Recession: Youth Services

All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Children minutes of meeting 12 December 2011 Children and the Recession: Youth Services

Mailing or Enclosure | Children

Minutes of UK Border Agency NASF Children’s Sub-Group meeting No 14 07 December 2011

Minutes of UK Border Agency NASF Children’s Sub-Group meeting No 14 07 December 2011

Mailing or Enclosure | Children

National Asylum Stakeholder Forum (NASF) children’s subgroup, minutes of meeting of 12 June 2012

Mailing or Enclosure | Children

National Asylum Stakeholder Forum (NASF) children’s subgroup minutes of meeting of 8 June 2011

General | Children

Family immigration and Article 8, 11 June 2012

Family immigration and Article 8, 11 June 2012 Updated Updated 21 June with new home office resource on Article 8 See the family and general subcommittee meeting homepage for the […]

Minutes | Children

Minutes of Children subcommittee meeting 30 May 2012

Minutes | Children

ILPA Children’s subcommittee minutes 13 March 2012

ILPA Children’s subcommittee minutes 13 March 2012

Mailing or Enclosure | Children

Refugee Children’s Consortium (RCC) meeting minutes 24 May 2012

Refugee Children’s Consortium (RCC) meeting minutes 24 May 2012

Minutes | Children

10th January 2012 ILPA Children Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes