Resource Type: Family and Personal Migration

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Family and Personal Migration

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration working group meeting 1 June 2016

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration working group meeting 1 June 2016

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal working group meeting 12 April 2016

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal working group meeting 12 April 2016

Mailing or Enclosure | Family and Personal Migration

Miah (section 117B NIAA 2002 – children) [2016] UKUT 00131(IAC)

(i) In section 117B(1)-(5) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 parliament has made no distinction between adult and child immigrants. (ii) The factors set out at section 117B(1)-(5) apply to […]

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration working group meeting 3 February 2016

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration working group meeting 3 February 2016

Mailing or Enclosure | Family and Personal Migration

TD and AD (Trafficked women) CG [2016] UKUT 00092 (IAC)

Much of the guidance given in AM & BM (Trafficked women) Albania CG [2010] UKUT 00080 (IAC) is maintained. Where that guidance has been amended or supplemented by this decision […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Family and Personal Migration

OO (Gay Men) Algeria CG [2016] UKUT 00065 (IAC)

1. Although the Algerian Criminal Code makes homosexual behaviour unlawful, the authorities do not seek to prosecute gay men and there is no real risk of prosecution, even when the authorities […]

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration working group meeting 2 December 2015

Minutes of ILPA Family and Personal Migration working group meeting 2 December 2015

Mailing or Enclosure | Family and Personal Migration

Correspondence between Fragomen LLP and Immigration and Border Policy, Home Office of 26 October 2015 – 25 November 2015 re Home Office Nationality Instructions, Volume 1, Chapter 9 (registration of minors at discretion)

Correspondence between Fragomen LLP and Immigration and Border Policy, Home Office of 26 October 2015 – 25 November 2015 re Home Office Nationality Instructions, Volume 1, Chapter 9 (registration of […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Family and Personal Migration

The British Nationality (General) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2015, 22 October 2015 UPDATED 30 October 2015 with Guide AN

The British Nationality (General) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations 2015, 22 October 2015 UPDATED 30 October 2015 with Guide AN   Circulated to Family and Personal working group.