Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Windrush Scheme application form (UK) (25 March 2024)

Updated with amended opening hours as the Windrush Helpline will be closed over Easter.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Permission to stay as a stateless person: caseworker guidance (27 March 2024).

Updated links in guidance.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

OISC annual report and accounts: 2022 to 2023 (26 March 2024)

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Transitional protection if you receive a Migration Notice letter (25 March 2024).

Updated with addition of: If you cannot claim Universal Credit by the deadline date, you should contact the Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline as soon as possible. We can only give […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Interim guidance for independent child trafficking guardians (3 April 2024).

Guidance updated, revised model for 2024 to 2025 will focus on a needs-based hybrid service for children receiving direct support by delivering a combination of face-to-face and remote sessions based […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Migration research and analysis (28 March 2024).

Updated with added ‘Global Talent visa evaluation: Wave 2 report’.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Right to rent immigration checks: landlords’ code of practice (27 March 2024).

Updated with Added code of practice for landlords: avoiding unlawful discrimination when conducting ‘right to rent’ checks in the private rented residential sector (in force from 6 April 2022).

ILPA documents | Key Documents

The3million letter sent to Home Office and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (28 March 2024)

The3million’s letter to the Home Office and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office about digitalisation of UK immigration records and its impact on visa nationals trying to travel home to the […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Response to Consultation on Reforms to Social Housing (26 March 2024)

ILPA’s response to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Consultation on reforms to social housing allocations, submitted on 26 March 2024, can be read below.