Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Interim accommodation policy change: medical cases (8 February 2024).

Updated guidance to remove outdated reference to December 2023.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Exemptions for visa applications: caseworker guidance (12 February 2024).

Updated list of exempt organisations.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Biometric reuse: caseworker guidance (14 February 2024).

Updated ‘to make it clear that we are unable to offer biometric reuse for individuals who are overseas’.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Biometric enrolment: policy guidance (12 February 2024).

Updated ‘to explain our approach where individuals are prevented from leaving or entering a country or territory by the controlling authorities’.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Litigation debt: caseworker guidance (9 February 2024).

Updated ‘to clarify that where a person has entry clearance or extant permission, there is no power to refuse entry solely because a person has an outstanding litigation debt.’

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Right to work checks: an employer’s guide (8 February 2024).

Updated, with the most significant updates relating to:‘- An increase to the maximum civil penalty for non-compliance with the Right to Work Scheme. The civil penalty for employers will be […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Immigration Rules archive: 28 December 2023 to 15 January 2024 (20 February 2024).

First published and added to the Archive: Immigration Rules collection.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

‘Travel to the UK now cheaper for Gulf and Jordanian visitors’ (1 February 2024).

‘News story’ published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Electronic travel authorisation: caseworker guidance (1 February 2024).

Updated references to suitability guidance.