Resource Type: Key Documents

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Committee of Trustees Nominations Web Portal 2023 Link

Our trustee nomination process is now open online, hosted by UK Engage, and can be accessed here. You can also find more information about becoming an ILPA trustee and the […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Borders, immigration and citizenship: privacy information notice (9 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below to reflect changes to the moratorium on historical child sexual abuse. 

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UK-Serbia declaration of intent on organised immigration crime (6 October 2023)

First published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Last chance to have your say on new OISC Code (6 October 2023)

Details confirming that the consultation on a new version of the OISC’s Code of Standards have been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Assessing the English language requirement: caseworker guidance (5 October 2023)

The guidance has been updated below in line with Immigration Rules changes.  

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Immigration Rules (5 October 2023)

The ‘Immigration Rules Appendix FM-SE: family members specified evidence’ has been updated below to reflect Statement of Changes HC 1780. 

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Immigration Rules Archive: 9 August 2023 to 4 October 2023 (9 October 2023)

First published as shown below and added to the collection here.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Inspection work in progress (6 October 2023)

A ‘News story’ that ‘An inspection of Border Force’s fast parcel operations went to the Home Secretary on 28 September 2023’ has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

An inspection of the immigration system as it relates to the social care sector (6 October 2023)

A ‘News story’ about ‘An inspection of the immigration system as it relates to the social care sector’ has been published below.