Resource Type: Removals, Detention and Offences

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Removals, Detention and Offences

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

WEBINAR RECORDING: Immigration Bail Applications

Recording: Date of recording: Wednesday 18 May 2022Tutors: James Elliott, Wilson Solicitors LLP and Donnchadh Greene, Doughty Street Chambers This training session provided those working with clients in immigration detention […]

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

WEBINAR RECORDING: Challenging Immigration Detention: An Introduction

Date of recording: Wednesday 22 June 2022Tutors:  Nkiru Okafor, Wilson Solicitors LLP and Graham Denholm, Doughty Street Chambers This course provided an overview of the law around immigration detention and practical […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Publication of DSO 03/2015 Complaints, DSO 05/2014 Electronic Monitoring Devices and DSO 05/2011 Management of detained individuals’ cash (8 June 2022)

The Home Office has published the following Detention Services Orders, which have been saved below: “DSO 03/2015 – Handling of Complaints. This DSO has been updated to include further guidance […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Offender management (15 June 2022)

Added ‘Immigration bail conditions: electronic monitoring (EM) expansion pilot’ document below.

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Letter from Detention Action, ILPA and Bail for Immigration Detainees to Legal Aid Agency Re: Detained Duty Advice Scheme (23 May 2022)

ILPA, Detention Action and BID have written to the LAA to express concerns about whether persons detained in IRCs who have received a Notice of Intent that they will be […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Detention case progression panels (18 May 2022)

Added independent members recruitment and onboarding guidance below.

Key document | European

EEA Deportation Decision (18 May 2022)

Luke Piper at the3million has brought to our attention a decision which sets out that a person who does not have leave or an in-time pending application under the EUSS, […]

Key document | Removals, Detention and Offences

FOI on detainees in prison under immigration powers (4 May 2022)

With many thanks to Bail for Immigration Detainees for sharing this with ILPA, please see below an FOI response from Immigration Enforcement at the Home Office with information around the […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Home Office Letter on Rwanda Migration and Economic development partnership (13 May 2022) 

ILPA has received the letter below from Daniel Hobbs, Director of Asylum, Protection and Enforcement at the Home Office, providing further details on the Rwanda Migration and Economic development partnership.