Resource Type: Removals, Detention and Offences

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Removals, Detention and Offences

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Country returns guide June 2020 (24 June 2020)

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Detention case progression panels

Amendments have been made to the Case Progression Panel Background, Purpose of Case Progression Panels, Case Selection, Timing and Scheduling of Panels and Case Progression Panel Recommendations sections of this […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Detention and Escorting Service Guidance during COVID-19

This guidance informs Home Office staff operating in IRCs and residential short-term holding facilities about the principles for managing COVID-19 in places of detention.

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Court Letter for Home Office charter flight to Lithuania on 12 June 2020 (4 June 2020)

Please find attached a letter provided today to the Court of Appeal, the High Court and the Upper Tribunal (IAC), regarding the Home Office’s upcoming charter flight to Lithuania on […]

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Unpublished Internal Home Office Guidance on MLRs under the Adults at Risk policy

With thanks to Lewis Kett at Duncan Lewis. Dear All, Please find attached a joint note from Duncan Lewis and Garden Court on the unpublished internal guidance we’ve been disclosed, […]

Uncategorised | Removals, Detention and Offences

BID RESEARCH REPORT: Risky Business: Immigration Detention decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic

BID’s latest report (attached) that was published today, and may wish to provide this to any interested members.

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Detention Case Progression Panels

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Prosecution under section 2: failure to produce immigration document

Updated links, housekeeping changes.

Home Office Documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Criminal investigation guidance for witness summons

Minor housekeeping changes.