Ministerial correspondence with the Scottish Government on the Immigration Bill 2015

Mailing or Enclosure

Below are copies of correspondence that the Rt Hon Lord Bates, Minister in the House of Lords committed to share with peers.  The correspondence relates to the Government’s engagement with the Scottish Government as a devolved administration on the provisions of the Immigration Bill.

  • 15.08.13 Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP to Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP: Advance notice of introduction of the Immigration Bill & summary
  • 15.09.16 Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP to Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP: Immigration Bill notice of introduction of language requirement, information sharing, asylum support
  • 15.09.16 Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP to Rt Hon Humza Yousaf MSP: Language provision for public sector workers, code of practice, request for support of legislative consent motion
  • 15.09.24 Margaret Burgess MSP to Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP: concerns on right to rent, Scottish constitutional principles, tenant discrimination
  • 15.10.13 Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP to Margaret Burgess MSP: right to rent, immigration as reserved and no need for legislative consent
  • 15.11.03 Alex Neil MSP to Rt Hon Matthew Hancock MP: English language, no support for legislative consent motion
  • 15.11.06 Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP to Michael Matheson MSP: notice of amendment tabled, taxis & private hire licensing
  • 15.12.08 Alex Neil MSP to Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP: asylum support, care leavers, child safeguarding
  • 15.12.16 Alex Neil MSP to Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP: widening dispersal of unaccompanied asylum seeking children, student support
  • 16.01.06 Michael Matheson MSP to Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP: concerns on value of reducing migration, licensing regimes
  • 16.02.01 Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP to Alex Neil MSP: notice of new amendments on asylum support and news on widening of dispersal of unacc children
  • 16.02.09 Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP to Michael Matheson MSP: taxi and private hire vehicle licensing
  • 16.03.21 Rt Hon Lord Bates letter to Rt Hon Lord Hope: Immigration Bill Lords Report Second Day, Scotland Bill, Sewel convention
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