ILPA and the University of Liverpool Law Clinic publish best practice guide on statelessness and applications for leave as a stateless person


Today sees the publication of Statelessness and applications for leave to remain: a best practice guide, Dr Sarah Woodhouse and Judith Carter, ILPA and University of Liverpool Law Clinic.

This authoritative, timely and clear guide has been written by Dr Sarah Woodhouse and Judith Carter of the University of Liverpool Law Clinic, who have built up considerable expertise of the UK’s nascent statelessness determination procedure.

The guide will be launched on the evening of 3 November 2016 with Bronwen Manby OBE of the London School of Economics’ Centre for the study of human rights and author of Citienship Law in Africa as the keynote speaker.

Our thanks go to the advisory group who have guided the work on the publication: Adrian Berry, Chair, ILPA, Alison Harvey, Legal Director, ILPA, Amal de Chickera of the Institute of Statelessness and Inclusion, Chris Nash of the European Network on Statelessness, Cynthia Orchard and Ian Kane of Asylum Aid, Eric Fripp of Lamb Building, Mohbuba Choudry and Peter Grady of UNHCR and Sheona York of the University of Kent at Canterbury Law Clinic.

We are grateful to Eric Fripp and Zoe Harper who acted as readers of the text and made detailed comments on it, to the Home Office who also gave us comments on the text and to Yvette Allen of Eve Allen design for her editorial work.

ILPA members can obtain a hard copy of the text by sending a stamped addressed A4 envelope, with stamps to the value of £1.46, to ILPA.

ILPA, the University of Liverpool Law Clinic and Asylum Aid will be running a series of training courses based on the guide in different parts of the country.  These will be advertised on the ILPA website.

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