Who we are

ILPA’s board of directors is its committee of trustees which is elected annually by the membership.  All members of the committee of trustees are members of ILPA. All ILPA’s work is carried out by its members, supported by the staff of the secretariat. Get in touch with any of us through info@ilpa.org.uk

ILPA’s committee of trustees

Meet the ILPA committee of trustees here

Chair Hazar El-Chamaa, Penningtons Manches Cooper
Treasurer Matthew Lewis
Secretary Ayesha Mohsin, Solicitor, Kalayaan
Committee members Andrea Als, Vialto Partners
David Ball, 36 Group
Sophie Barrett-Brown, Laura Devine Immigration
Gabriella Bettiga, MGBe Legal
Aisha Choudhry, Bates Wells
Tanya Goldfarb, Bindmans
Grace McGill, Burness Paull
Julie Moktadir, Stone King

March 2024: We are delighted to announce that Alison Stanley has joined Adrian Berry and Elspeth Guild as a patron of ILPA. See our announcement.

ILPA Patrons Adrian Berry
Elspeth Guild
Alison Stanley

The trustees of ILPA are voted for by the membership and elections take place around the Annual General Meeting each year in November. If you would like to stand as a trustee and want to know more about what it entails then find out more here and contact the office info@ilpa.org.uk – we would encourage any interested members to stand.

To get in touch with the chair or any of the trustees, please do so by emailing info@ilpa.org.uk 

Staff of the secretariat

The secretariat is made up of the following roles, contact info@ilpa.org.uk for details or to get in touch with any of us.

Chief Executive

Legal Director

Legal Officer

Legal and Parliamentary Officer

Senior Legal Projects Manager

Finance and Office Manager

Membership Manager

Content and Digital Channels Manager

Training Officer

Administration Officer

ILPA’s working groups and convenors

ILPA organises its work into working groups.   The current range of working groups and their convenors is shown below, with links to their pages which will give you more detail and an opportunity to subscribe to their mailing lists. This is member only content but if non-members want to find out more then do get in touch. 

All convenors are members of ILPA.   

To contact a working group convenor, please email info@ilpa.org.uk  ILPA also convenes ad hoc working groups around particular topics and the staff of the secretariat can help you identify who would be the best person to speak to on a particular topic.

Children(Email list only)
Courts and TribunalsRowena Moffatt, Doughty Street Chambers
Nicola Burgess, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU)
Allan Briddock, One Pump Court
DigitalisationAndrew Tingley, Tingley Dalanay
Jane O’Loughlin, The University of Edinburgh
Kezia Tobin and Monique Hawkins, the3million
Victoria Welsh, Laytons ETL
Economic migrationTom Brett-Young, Veale Wasbrough Vizards LLP
Anushka Sinha, Vanessa Ganguin Immigration Law
James Perrott, Mayer Brown
EuropeanAlison Hunter, Wesley Gryk Solicitors
Jonathan Kingham Lexis PSL Immigration
Family and personalKatie Dilger, Wesley Gryk Solicitors LLP
Nath Gbikpi, Islington Law Centre
Nicole Masri, Rights of Women
Bryony Rest, David Gray Solicitors
Immigration Practice Development Working Group(Note name changed May 2022, previously Immigration Professional Support Lawyers Network)
Shyam Dhir, LexisNexis
Tim Richards, Kingsley Napley LLP
Miglena Ilieva, Laura Devine Immigration
Legal aidPolly Brandon, Freedom from Torture
Ayesha Mohsin, Kalayaan
Laura Smith, JCWI
LegislationAdrian Berry, Garden Court Chambers
New YorkTanya Goldfarb, Bindmans
Miglena Ilieva, Laura Devine Immigration
Northern IrelandSinead Marmion, Phoenix Law/STEP
Sarah Henry, Granite Legal Services
Philip McNally, KMPG Ireland
North WestLucy Mair of Garden Court North Chambers
David Pountney, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit,
Emma Morgan, Shoosmiths LLP
Shara Pledger, Pinsent Masons LLP
RefugeeAmy Childs, The 36 Group
Ferial Saada, Ferial Solicitors
Mark Symes, Garden Court Chambers
Melissa Darnbrough, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit
Monika Nollet, Asylum Aid
Racial Justice and Equality Working GroupDuduzile Moyo, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrations
Toufique Hossain, Duncan Lewis
Unkha Banda, Bindmans LLP
Noémie Adam, Birnberg Peirce
Amna Ashraf, Burness Paull
Removals, detention and offencesBahar Ata, Duncan Lewis
Pierre Makhlouf, Bail for Immigration Detainees
Sairah Javed, JCWI
ScotlandJohn Vassiliou, Shepherd and Wedderburn
Barry Price, Latta and Co.
Anushya Kulupana, JustRight Scotland
South WestMarie-Christine Allaire Rousse, Gya Williams Immigration
Sophie Humes, Avon and Bristol Law Centre
Glyn Lloyd, Newfields Law
Myra Leung, Burges Salmon Solicitors
Yorkshire and North EastChris Cole, Parker Rhodes and Hickmott Solicitors
Ish Ahmed, Bankfield Heath Solicitors
Emma Brooksbank, Freeths LLP
Nick Gore, Carter Thomas Solicitors
Bryony Rest, David Gray Solicitors
Well-beingEmily Heinrich, Wesley Gryk Solicitors
Aisha Choudhry, Bates Wells
Deepa Chadha, UKCISA
Samia Yaqub, IBB Law