Legal Fund to Combat Racial Injustice
Legal groups The Law Collective (TLC) (led by Ajibola Ayorinde and Raifa Rafiq), Black Men in Law Network (BML) (led by Isaac Eloi and John Oladeji), Urban Lawyers (led by Dr Tunde Okewale MBE), and barrister Alexandra Wilson, have come together to launch a new initiative to facilitate funding and legal representation for disenfranchised minorities with a specific focus on Black African individuals (including all Black people forming part of the African diaspora). The initiative will also advocate for legal reform in Parliament and in the media.
Black Protest Legal Support UK
Black Protest Legal UK: Is a hub of Lawyers and legal advisors providing free legal advice and representation to UK Black Lives Matter activists and protesters.
Black Minds Matter UK
Black Minds Matter’s mission is to connect Black individuals and families with free mental health services — by professional Black therapists to support their mental health. To make this happen, they strive to make mental health topics more relevant and accessible for all Black people in the U.K., removing the stigma and remodelling the services to be relevant for the Black community.
The Black Curriculum
Re-imagining the future of education through Black British history.
The Black Curriculum is an initiative that teaches Black history all year round in the school year, to 8-16 year olds. We deliver our content into schools, using a range of art modes such as drama and poetry. We also provide consultations and training for teachers across the country to teach Black history all year round.
We believe in the importance of teaching and learning Black history – as history, through the arts. The value this teaching provides is relevant to all students in their learning, development and in building a sense of identity.
The Runnymede Trust
Challenging race inequality in Britain through research, network building, leading debate, and policy engagement.
Runnymede is the UK’s leading independent race equality think tank. We generate intelligence to challenge race inequality in Britain through research, network building, leading debate, and policy engagement.
In order to effectively overcome racial inequality in our society, we believe that our democratic dialogue, policy, and practice, should all be based on reliable evidence from rigorous research and thorough analysis.
Discrimination Law Association
Discrimination law practitioners, policy experts, academics and concerned individuals, all united around a commitment to improving equality law, practice, education and advice for those who face discrimination.
The Black Head Students’ Network
A network for current and previous Black Head Boys’ and Girls at secondary schools in the United Kingdom. As students holding these unique positions of leadership in our schools, we hope to be able to make a real impact as a collective by coming together and working towards inspiring the next generation of young future leaders, and influencing change in our education system.
Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust
The Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust aims to be a fitting legacy to Stephen’s memory and to make a real impact by: Supporting young people, Ensuring businesses can benefit from and are more inclusive of diverse talent throughout their management structures, Continuing to campaign for fairness and justice.
Show Racism the Red Card
We provide educational workshops, training sessions, multimedia packages, and a whole host of other resources, all with the purpose of tackling racism in society.
Established in January 1996, the organisation utilises the high-profile status of football and football players to publicise its message. Across Britain, Show Racism the Red Card delivers training to more than 50,000 individuals per year.
Race Equality First
Recognised lead body in South Wales for tackling discrimination and hate crime and promoting the message that Race Equality is a human right.
Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights
CRER is a Scottish strategic racial equality charity, based in Glasgow. We are focused on working to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment and promote racial justice across Scotland. Stand Against Racism and Inequality
100 Black Men of London
The 100 Black Men of London is a community-based charity led by Black men delivering programmes and activities focused on Mentoring, Education, Economic Empowerment, and Health & Wellness.
Kick it Out
Kick It Out is English football’s equality and inclusion organisation. Working throughout the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and campaign for positive change, Kick It Out is at the heart of the fight against discrimination for everyone who plays, watches or works in football.
Stand Up To Racism
Stand Up To Racism exists to bring together campaigns, community and faith groups, trade unions and representatives into a powerful movement against racism.
The Network for Police Monitoring (NETPOL)
Netpol seeks to monitor public order, protest and street policing, and to challenge and resist policing which is excessive, discriminatory or threatens civil rights. Through active campaigning, sharing knowledge and building awareness, we aim to effectively challenge policing strategies which are unnecessarily damaging to any sector of our society. We work in partnership with community and activist based groups that monitor policing within distinct communities, or who monitor the policing of protest through the deployment of legal observers.
Black Lives Matter
#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
NAACP Legal Defence Fund
Through litigation, advocacy, and public education, LDF seeks structural changes to expand democracy, eliminate disparities, and achieve racial justice in a society that fulfills the promise of equality for all Americans. LDF also defends the gains and protections won over the past 75 years of civil rights struggle and works to improve the quality and diversity of judicial and executive appointments.
Equal Justice Initiative
The Equal Justice Initiative is committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society.
George Floyd Memorial Fund
The GoFundMe for Gorge Floyd and his family.
Justice for Breonna Taylor
The GoFundMe for Breonna Taylor and her family.
I Run With Maud
The GoFundMe for Ahmaud Armery and family.
Reclaim the Block
Began in 2018 and organizes Minneapolis community and city council members to move money from the police department into other areas of the city’s budget that truly promote community health and safety. We do not believe that increased regulation of or public engagement with the police will lead to safer communities, as community testimony and documented police conduct suggest otherwise.