Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Asylum accommodation factsheets (16 November 2023)

Factsheet and newsletter for Wethersfield for proposed new accommodation sites for asylum seekers updated below.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Right to work and right to rent checks: equality impact assessments (16 November 2023)

Equality impact assessment on increasing the maximum civil penalty amount for the right to work and right to rent schemes has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Advance information requirements for international General Aviation flights (22 November 2023)

The Consultation response to a proposal to require people responsible for international General Aviation (GA) flights to submit information online and in advance about flights and people on board has […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UK visa fees (22 November 2023)

Home Office immigration and nationality fee update for the electronic travel authorisation (ETA) for use on or after 25 October 2023 below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Immigration Rules archive (20 November 2023)

The Immigration Rules archive for 5 October 2023 to 14 November 2023 has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Family and Personal Migration

Exemptions for visa applications: caseworker guidance (10 November 2023)

Paragraph 7 of the Exempt (EXM) guidance has been updated in document below as follows: 7. EXM7 Are unmarried partners of diplomats exempt from control?Unmarried partners (those who are neither […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Government expands list of safe countries allowing more removals (8 November 2023)

Below is a news story reporting that India and Georgia are to be added to the UK’s ‘safe states’ list which has been published (and subsequently updated with a ‘notes […]

Home Office Documents | Courts and Tribunals

Law Commissioner appointed (7 November 2023)

The news story below has been published here announcing that ‘The Lord Chancellor has approved the appointment of Professor Alison Young as the Law Commissioner for Public Law and the […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Asylum decisions: caseworker guidance (8 November 2023)

The guidance on drafting, implementing and serving asylum decisions has been updated as follows and found below: