Category: Home Office Documents

All documents produced by the Home Office

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Grenfell Tower: handling relatives’ immigration cases (8 November 2023)

The ‘Guidance on requests for further limited leave from relatives of those affected by the Grenfell Tower’ has been updated below to ‘allow relatives to extend their leave for a […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UK and Austria: Joint statement on security, migration and transnational crime (7 November 2023)

The UK and Austria have signed a joint statement agreeing to ‘closer cooperation on tackling illegal migration and terrorism’, and in which, ‘The UK expresses its willingness to share its […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (7 November 2023)

The ‘Inspection work in progress’ page has been updated below to add that ‘Two reports have gone to the Home Secretary: An inspection of Border Force practices and procedures in […]

Home Office Documents | European

EEA nationals qualified persons: caseworker guidance (7 November 2023)

The ‘Qualified persons (European Economic Area nationals) and Withdrawal Agreement right of permanent residence’ guidance has been updated below with ‘changes made to reflect the High Court judgment in R […]

Home Office Documents

Border security: minimum service levels during strike action (6/8 November 2023)

The Government response to the consultation on new regulations to protect border security during strike action has been published and revised impact assessments added below.

Home Office Documents | Digitalisation

Home Office Letter re ILPA’s Response to the Consultation on ‘Biometric registration regulations: changes to the Code of Practice’ (7 November 2023)

ILPA has received the below letter from the Home Office following our response to the Home Office’s consultation on ‘Biometric registration regulations: changes to the Code of Practice’. Our response, […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI External Relations Stakeholder Update (14 November 2023)

The latest UKVI Stakeholder Update from the External Relations Team has been published below. It provides information under the following headings:

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Unaccompanied asylum seeking children: statement of evidence (3 November 2023)

The Statement of Evidence (SEF) Form has been updated, with separate instructions on how to complete the form below.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Study sector support (2 November 2023)

The study policy referral form has been updated below with new items added to the form.