Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, AIT Consultation – PowerPoint presentation 14 August 2009

Asylum and Immigration Tribunal, AIT Consultation – PowerPoint presentation 14 August 2009 – tribunal event held in Manchester

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Border Agency policy (UKBA) on detention of children of 12 August 2009

UK Border Agency policy (UKBA) on detention of children of 12 August 2009.  UKBA response to 11 Million

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA to Sir Robert Carnwath, Tribunals Judiciary and CMG Ockelton Asylum and Immigration Tribunal. AIT re transfer of Asylum and Immigration Tribunal to Upper and First Tiers of the Tribunal Service 11 August 2009

ILPA to Sir Robert Carnwath, Tribunals Judiciary and CMG Ockelton Asylum and Immigration Tribunal.  AIT re transfer of Asylum and Immigration Tribunal to Upper and First Tiers of the Tribunal […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Joint (ILPA and others) letter to The Rt. Hon. Alan Johnson MP of 9 July 2009 re the path to citizenship

Joint (ILPA and others) letter to The Rt. Hon. Alan Johnson MP of 9 July 2009 re the path to citizenship

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between Case Resolution Directorate, UK Border Agency and Asylum Support Appeals Project of 24 July and 17 August 2009 re section 4 – AVR policy amendment

Correspondence between Case Resolution Directorate, UK Border Agency and Asylum Support Appeals Project of 24 July and 17 August 2009 re section 4 – AVR policy amendment

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA note on 12 August 2009 changes to UK Border Agency Enforcement Guidance and Instructions Chapter 53.1.2 – relevant factors in paragraph 395C

ILPA note on 12 August 2009 changes to UK Border Agency Enforcement Guidance and Instructions Chapter 53.1.2 – relevant factors in paragraph 395C

Mailing or Enclosure

Case Resolution Directorate, UK Border Agency to GPs (received by ILPA 12 August 2009) re completion of the attached UK Border Agency medical declaration

Case Resolution Directorate, UK Border Agency to GPs (received by ILPA 12 August 2009) re completion of the attached UK Border Agency medical declaration

Mailing or Enclosure

Changes to UK Border Agency policy guidance from 7 August 2009 (as amended 11 August 2009)

Changes to UK Border Agency policy guidance from 7 August 2009 (as amended 11 August 2009)

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA note of meeting with Keith Lambert et ors, UK Border Agency to discuss matters raised in ILPA’s 23 April 2009 letter on JRs of removals (ILPA mailing document number 09.05.15)

ILPA note of meeting with Keith Lambert et ors, UK Border Agency to discuss matters raised in ILPA’s 23 April 2009 letter on JRs of removals (ILPA mailing document number […]