Category: Mailing or Enclosure

Mailing or Enclosure

New Country Guidance MM (Darfuris) Sudan CG [2015] UKUT 00010 (IAC) 5 January 2015

New Country Guidance MM (Darfuris) Sudan CG [2015] UKUT 00010 (IAC) 5 January 2015

Mailing or Enclosure

Minutes of Immigration Enforcement, Voluntary Returns Steering Group meeting 11 September 2014

Minutes of Immigration Enforcement, Voluntary Returns Steering Group meeting 11 September 2014

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between Fernandes Vaz Solicitors and Business Helpdesk, Home Office of 11 November 2014 – 6 January 2015 re Tier 2 Indefinite Leave to Remain

Correspondence between Fernandes Vaz Solicitors and Business Helpdesk, Home Office of 11 November 2014 – 6 January 2015 re Tier 2 Indefinite Leave to Remain From: Business Helpdesk []Sent: 06 […]

Mailing or Enclosure

UNHCR 2014 Mid-Year Trends report 7 January 2015

UNHCR 2014 Mid-Year Trends report 7 January 2015

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration, Guidance Chapter 9: registering minors at discretion (nationality instructions) 7 January 2015

UK Visas and Immigration, Guidance Chapter 9: registering minors at discretion (nationality instructions) 7 January 2015

Mailing or Enclosure

UK Visas and Immigration, UK Visa requirements: list for carriers, 7 January 2015

UK Visas and Immigration, UK Visa requirements: list for carriers, 7 January 2015

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office to Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London of 29 December 2014 re freedom of information request: introduction and development of private landlord checks

Home Office to Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London of 29 December 2014 re freedom of information request: introduction and development of private landlord checks

Mailing or Enclosure

The Government response to the Fourth Report from the Home Affairs Select Committee Session 2014-15 HC 238: Her Majesty’s Passport Office: delays in processing applications December 2014

The Government response to the Fourth Report from the Home Affairs Select Committee Session 2014-15 HC 238: Her Majesty’s Passport Office: delays in processing applications December 2014

Mailing or Enclosure

ILPA note and shared note of meeting with Legal Aid Agency re Upper Tribunal Assessments 25 November 2014

ILPA note and shared note of meeting with Legal Aid Agency re Upper Tribunal Assessments 25 November 2014