Category: Minutes

Minutes | New York

ILPA New York Working Group Minutes 1st April 2021

ILPA New York Working Group minutes for 1st April 2021.

Minutes | European

ILPA European Working Group Meeting Agenda and Minutes 18.05.21

Meeting Agenda: 1.       Legislative overview 2.       Procedures and processes EUSS (to include absences) 3.       Appeals 4.       Family members and extended family members  5.       Children 6.       Vulnerable individuals and benefits 7.       […]

Minutes | Removals, Detention and Offences

Removals, Detention and Offences Working Group Meeting Agenda – 22 June 2021

1.       Welcome and approval of minutes from the last meeting 2.       Napier – current experiences re: screening and interviews and access to lawyers 3.       APPG on Immigration Detention – inquiry into quasi-detention 4.       Hassockfield […]

Minutes | Removals, Detention and Offences

Minutes of ILPA Removals, Detention & Offences Working Group Meeting 30.03.21

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Minutes of ILPA Family & Personal Migration Working Group Meeting 07.04.21

ILPA documents | Well-being

27.04.21 ILPA Wellbeing Working Group Meeting Minutes

Minutes | Refugee

Minutes of ILPA Refugee Working Group Meeting 29.03.21

Minutes | Economic Migration

Minutes of ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting 21.04.21

ILPA documents | North West

ILPA North West Working Group Meeting Minutes 13.07.2021