Category: Minutes

Minutes | Legislation

ILPA Legislation Working Group Meeting Agenda 13.07.21

British Nationality Asylum and Law of the Sea Immigration Offences and Enforcement Modern Slavery Court and Tribunal Procedure

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Family and Personal Migration Working Group Meeting Agenda 16.06.21

Agenda: Minutes and matters arising COVID update SORT update Appendix FM delays Overseas British passport applications and requests for unnecessary documents Change to the SET(DV) application process Caselaw update Begum […]

Minutes | Economic Migration

ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting Agenda 14.07.21

Agenda: Welcome and matters arising from previous minutes Right to Work checks new Code of Practice/Guidance Issues arising from missing EUSS deadline COVID-19 concession COVID-19 concessions (exceptional assurance, switching) Feedback […]

Minutes | European

ILPA European Working Group Meeting Agenda 05.08.2021

Approval of the minutes and review of the action points from previous meeting; Procedures and processes EUSS (including update on concession for switching from being a visitor); Appeals (including judicial […]

Minutes | European

ILPA European Working Group Meeting Agenda and Minutes 30.06.21

Meeting Agenda: Approval of the minutes and review of the action points from previous meeting Legislative overview What will happen on 30 June 2021 – the end of the grace […]

Minutes | Legislation

ILPA Legislation Working Group Meeting Agenda 13.07.2021

British Nationality Asylum and Law of the Sea Immigration Offences and Enforcement Modern Slavery Court and Tribunal Procedure

Minutes | Economic Migration

ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting Agenda and Minutes 02.06.2021

Agenda: 1)      Introductions and matters arising from previous minutes 2)      COVID-19: switching; exceptional assurance 3)      New Plan for Immigration 4)      BRP issues 5)      India  / UK agreement 6)      Right to […]

Minutes | Immigration Professional Support Lawyers (PSL) Network

Minutes of ILPA Professional Support Lawyers Working Group Meeting 28.04.21

Minutes | New York

ILPA New York Working Group Minutes 20th May 2021

ILPA New York Working Group minutes for 20th May 2021.