Category: Minutes

Minutes | Economic Migration

Minutes of ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting (10 November 2021)

Meeting agenda: 1.      Welcome and matters arising from previous minutes; 2.      Feedback on the UKVI meeting on BRP issues held on 8th November 2021; 3.      Feedback from members in advance […]

Minutes | European

ILPA European Working Group Meeting Minutes (26 October 2021)

Meeting agenda: 1. Approval of the minutes and review of the action points from previous meeting; 2. Procedures and processes EUSS, including: ·       Temporary protection and travel; ·       Absences policy; […]

ILPA documents | Scotland

ILPA Scotland Working Group Meeting Minutes 09.09.2021

ILPA documents | Isle of Man

ILPA Isle of Man working group meeting agenda 6 December 2021

Next meeting: Monday 06 December 2021, 17:30 – 18:30 register here 1.         Welcome and Introductions 2.         Terms of reference: a.         Purpose of the working group b.         Initial convenor c.         Upcoming Meetings […]

ILPA documents | Northern Ireland

21.09.2021 ILPA Northern Ireland Working Group Meeting Minutes

Minutes | Racial Justice and Equality Working Group

ILPA Racial Justice and Equality Working Group Meeting Minutes 12.10.21

Minutes | Economic Migration

Minutes of ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting 06.10.21

Meeting agenda: Welcome and matters arising from previous minutes COVID-19 concessions Exceptional assurance Switching Statement of Changes HC 617 Global Business Mobility route Availability of Super-priority service for 10-year long […]

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Family and Personal Migration Working Group Meeting Minutes 08.09.21

Minutes | European

Minutes of ILPA European Working Group Meeting on 15.09.2021