Category: Minutes

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Agenda for ILPA Family and Personal Migration Working Group Wednesday 5 August 2020

Introductions. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising. Covid-19: current situation; guidance on Appendix FM financial requirements; experiences of reopening of UKVCAS centres/VACs. New adoption guidance. Fee waivers: Partial fee […]

Minutes | Refugee

Agenda for ILPA Refugee Working Group 4 August 2020 5pm

ICIBI inspection of asylum casework. Refugee family reunion after Brexit. Current practice and issues including with remote/video-conference interviews. Potential Asylum Bill. Asylum seekers’ right to work: current campaigns and legal […]

ILPA documents | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA Courts and Tribunals Working Group meeting July 28 2020

For ILPA members only

ILPA documents | European

ILPA European working group, recording of Zoom meeting and minutes July 22 2020

For ILPA members only

ILPA documents | Immigration Professional Support Lawyers (PSL) Network

ILPA PSL network agenda and minutes for 29 July 2020 meeting

ILPA PSL Network The first ILPA PSL Network meeting is 29 July, 17:00pm – 18:00pm. The meeting will primarily be for introductory purposes. AGENDA 1.          Welcome and introductions 2.         […]

Minutes | European

Agenda for ILPA European Working Group 22 July 2020

The agenda for this meeting is as follows: ICIBI call for evidence on settled status – key issues to highlight in ILPA’s response. Reporting changes of circumstance and pre-settled status, […]

Minutes | Scotland

Minutes from ILPA Scotland Working Group Meeting of 4 March 2018 (8 July 2020)

Minutes | Economic Migration

Minutes of ILPA Economic Migration Working Group meeting 20 May 2020

Minutes | Economic Migration

Agenda for ILPA Economic Migration Working Group meeting 1 July 2020

Minutes of last meeting and matters arising. Coronavirus response:a. Updates from UKVIb. In-countryc. Applicants overseasd. Sponsors Ongoing BRP issues. Member queries. Working Group training needs.