Category: Minutes

Minutes | Economic Migration

Minutes of ILPA Economic Migration Working Group meeting 8 April 2020

Minutes | Courts and Tribunals

Agenda for Courts & Tribunals meeting 5 May 2020

Welcome and housekeeping Approval of previous minutes 3. Upper Tribunal ·   Decisions on the papers ·   Current practice for statutory appeals: listings, remote hearings, reconsideration hearings ·   JR 4. FTT ·   Legal aid ·   Early […]

Minutes | Courts and Tribunals

Minutes of the Courts & Tribunals Working Group meeting 7 April 2020

The minutes of the Working Group meeting on 7 April 2020 are below.

Minutes | Removals, Detention and Offences

ILPA Removals Detention Offences WG 06.04.20

ILPA documents | Well-being

ILPA Well-being Working Group Meeting Agenda and Minutes 28 April 2020

ILPA documents | Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Working Group Agenda and Meeting Minutes 09 April 2020

Minutes | European

Agenda for ILPA European Working Group Meeting 23 April 2020

Introduction and housekeeping. Settlement scheme Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules HC 120. Monitoring eligibility refusals, including refusals of family permit applications, as well as appeals. Prisoner developments. ILPA […]

Minutes | European

Minutes of ILPA European Working Group meeting 5 March 2020

ILPA documents | Economic Migration

Minutes of economic migration working group 22 January 2020