Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

WEBINAR RECORDING: Challenging Immigration Detention: An Introduction

Date of recording: Wednesday 22 June 2022Tutors:  Nkiru Okafor, Wilson Solicitors LLP and Graham Denholm, Doughty Street Chambers This course provided an overview of the law around immigration detention and practical […]

ILPA documents | European

ILPA Letter to Judge Campbell, Resident Judge at Taylor House Re: Remote Attendance by Home Office Representatives and Listing Issues (10 June 2022)

ILPA documents | Legal Aid

ILPA Response to Ministry of Justice Legal Aid Means Test Review Consultation (7 June 2022)

ILPA documents

Renewing your membership?: we’d love your feedback please

ILPA documents | Key Documents

Summary of ILPA Meetings with the Home Office on 25 and 27 May 2022 to discuss BRP Issues (25 and 27 May 2022)

Please see below a summary of ILPA’s two recent meetings with a Home Office official who heads up the team which deals with BRP issues in the Home Office. Please […]

ILPA documents

ILPA members: Chief Executive recruitment

ILPA Members ILPA Chief Executive (29 April 2022) Dear Members, Nicole Francis our Chief Executive is leaving after 8 years leading ILPA.  Nicole has overseen a period of significant change […]

ILPA documents | Refugee

Changes to Contact Methods – Migrant Help (12 May 2022)

Please find below information from Migrant Help about changes to email inboxes for the AIRE services, coming into effect from 1 June.

ILPA documents

8 Top Tips on Getting Involved in Strategic Litigation as an NGO

On Wednesday 23 March we launched the Strategic Legal Advice Committee with a panel of fantastic speakers dispelling strategic litigation myths and answering questions about how to get involved as […]

ILPA documents | Removals, Detention and Offences

Letter from Detention Action, ILPA and Bail for Immigration Detainees to Legal Aid Agency Re: Detained Duty Advice Scheme (23 May 2022)

ILPA, Detention Action and BID have written to the LAA to express concerns about whether persons detained in IRCs who have received a Notice of Intent that they will be […]