Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Legal Director’s Written Evidence to House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Life in the UK Test (5 May 2022)

ILPA’s Legal Director, Zoe Bantleman, prepared written evidence for the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee for its Inquiry into the Life in the UK Test. It can be […]

ILPA documents | Racial Justice and Equality Working Group

ILPA’s Anti-Racism Pledge. Two years on.

In May 2020, the death of George Floyd sparked international protests in almost every country around the world throughout 2020 and into 2021. While ILPA has always been committed to […]

ILPA documents

SLF Update – May 2022

The Strategic Legal Fund provides funding for strategic litigation cases and third party interventions which aim to change policy, practice and laws that discriminate against or disadvantage people because of […]

ILPA documents

Cart JRs cause administrative confusion in the Administrative Court

By James Packer, Director & Solicitor, Duncan Lewis There has been much controversy over the recommendation of the Faulks review that Cart judicial reviews (challenges to decisions of the Upper […]

ILPA documents

Legal Update – May 2022

Nationality and Borders Bill ILPA continued to brief on the Nationality and Borders Bill during Parliamentary ping pong, to provide technical input on the drafting of amendments, to produce informative […]

ILPA documents

ILPA Strategic Plan 2021-24

ILPA documents

Business User Forum and Business Hub (22 April 2022)

ILPA documents

ILPA Chief Executive (29 April 2022)

Nicole Francis our Chief Executive is leaving after 8 years leading ILPA.  Nicole has overseen a period of significant change for ILPA helping us to further develop and professionalise our […]

ILPA documents | European

ILPA Letter to Gabi Monk Re: EUSS Policy and Operational Issues (26 April 2022)

Please see below a letter from ILPA to Gabi Monk. Update: Please see below the response of 13 June 2022 received from the EEA Citizens’ Rights & Hong Kong Unit.