Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA Correspondence with Judge Plimmer Re: Supporting Litigants-in-Person in the Legal Aid Crisis (April 2024)

ILPA sent the below letter to Judge Melanie Plimmer, Chamber President of the First-tier Tribunal, Immigration and Asylum Chamber, on 8 April 2024 regarding the support of litigants-in-person in light […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

The Gaza Families Reunited campaign joint letter to the Home Secretary (2 April 2024)

ILPA is one of 75 organisations who have signed a joint letter calling for the Home Secretary to urgently create a Gaza Family Scheme to enable family members of Palestinians […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

The3million letter sent to Home Office and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (28 March 2024)

The3million’s letter to the Home Office and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office about digitalisation of UK immigration records and its impact on visa nationals trying to travel home to the […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Response to Consultation on Reforms to Social Housing (26 March 2024)

ILPA’s response to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities’ Consultation on reforms to social housing allocations, submitted on 26 March 2024, can be read below.

ILPA documents | Economic Migration

ILPA letter to Home Office re Urgent Processing of DCoS Applications (26 March 2024)

Please see the below letter sent to the Home Office regarding the urgent processing of DCoS Applications.

ILPA documents | ILPA Weekly Update

ILPA Weekly Update (18 March 2024)

Contents ILPA News Request for help from members working in human rights  If you work in the human rights area, please help us! We are currently seeking funding to support […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

Joint evidence to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee (SLSC) re. Statement of Changes HC 590, Minimum Income Requirement (19 March 2024)

ILPA and Reunite Families UK have submitted joint evidence, endorsed by Praxis, The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, Migrant Voice, and British in Europe, to the Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee […]

ILPA documents | Digitalisation

ILPA letter to FBIS in response to emails inviting the creation of a UKVI account (19 March 2024)

Please see the below letter sent to Lee Graham at the Future Border & Immigration System (FBIS) Programme regarding emails received by ILPA members inviting the creation of a UKVI […]

ILPA documents | Refugee

‘Heteronormative Accommodations: Strategies of in/visibility for LGBTQI+ People in Asylum Accommodation’ by Claire Fletcher

‘This paper will discuss the issues of large-scale accommodation for queer people seeking asylum. The aim is to show how the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 and the plans for […]