Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA


ILPA report: EU residence rights after Brexit (28 November 2019)

This report is concerned with the continuing legal protection, after Brexit, of residence rights flowing from EU free movement law. It has been drafted at a time of considerable uncertainty […]


ILPA Commentary on EU settlement scheme (28 November 2019)

In November last year, ILPA submitted a report as a joint commentary by experienced immigration practitioners on the EU Settlement Scheme. This is a follow-up report which reviews and updates the previous […]

ILPA documents

ILPA Articles of Association revised by Special Resolution 24 September 2020

Briefing | Refugee

ILPA Refugee Working Group 16 September 2019 Minutes (13 November 2019)

Briefing | Refugee

ILPA Refugee Working Group Agenda for meeting on 13 November 2019

ILPA Refugee Working Group Agenda for meeting on 13 November 2019


ILPA Response to Migration Advisory Committee call for evidence on salary threshold and points-based system (1 November 2019)


Draft ILPA response to the MAC call for evidence on salary threshold (25 October 2019)

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) call for evidence can be found here.


ILPA Response to British Future’s Citizenship Inquiry


ILPA Response to the Law Commission consultation – Building Families through Surrogacy: A New Law (11 October 2019)