Category: ILPA documents

Here you will find all resources produced by ILPA

ILPA documents

ILPA Information Sheet: the Start-up category (16 April 2019)

ILPA Information Sheet on the Start-up category 

ILPA documents

ILPA Information Sheet: the Innovator category (16 April 2019)

ILPA Information Sheet on the Innovator category 

ILPA documents

ILPA Information Sheet: the common requirements of the Start-Up and Innovator categories (16 April 2019)

ILPA Information Sheet on the common requirements of the Start-Up and Innovator categories


ILPA Response to the Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 1919 (7 March 2019): 8 March 2019

The Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules (HC1919) released on 7 March 2019 make a wide-ranging set of changes to existing systems of migration, whilst also bringing further changes […]

Briefing | Removals, Detention and Offences

Joint Submissions from ILPA and Medical Justice to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s Review on Adults at Risk in Detention (25 February 2019)

With many thanks to Jed Pennington of Bhatt Murphy (co-convener of the ILPA Removals, Detention and Offences working group) and Shu Shin Luh of Garden Court Chambers for their work […]


ILPA and Open Rights Group Briefing Paper: EU Settled Status Automated Data Checks (19 February 2019)

ILPA and Open Rights Group have published a two-page briefing paper on the automated data checks in the EU Settled Status Scheme. In the paper we lay out our proposed outcomes, […]

ILPA documents

ILPA Information Sheet: Top Tips for the EU Settlement Scheme (25 January 2019)

ILPA documents

ILPA Annual Report 2017/2018

ILPA Annual Report 2017/2018

ILPA documents

ILPA Information Sheet: the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (9 January 2019)