Category: Uncategorised


ILPA Family sub-committee meeting minutes 17 February 1998

ILPA Family sub-committee meeting minutes 17 February 1998


Subcommittee reports November 2013

Subcommittee reports November 2013


ILPA Family sub-committee minutes 16 September 1997

ILPA Family sub-committee minutes 16 September 1997


ILPA Family sub-committee minutes 27 January 1997

ILPA Family sub-committee minutes 27 January 1997


ILPA Immigration Offences subcommittee 5 December 2013 – agenda

ILPA Immigration Offences subcommittee 5 December 2013 – agenda


Migrants’ Law Project note on fast-track case R (Detention Action) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (CO/6966/2013) 21 October 2013

Migrants’ Law Project note on fast-track case R (Detention Action) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (CO/6966/2013) 21 October 2013


Note of Detention and Asylum Fast Track subcommittee meeting 21 October 2013

Note of Detention and Asylum Fast Track subcommittee meeting 21 October 2013


ILPA subcommittee reports October 2013

ILPA subcommittee reports October 2013


UN Working Group on Arbitary Detention visit to Hungary, press release of 3 October 2013

UN Working Group on Arbitary Detention visit to Hungary, press release of 3 October 2013 Immigration detention discussed.