Category: Uncategorised


ILPA Family and General subcommittee minutes 5 March 2013

ILPA Family and General subcommittee minutes 5 March 2013


House of Commons (HOC) Westminster Hall debate 27 February 2013 Asylum Support (Children and Young People)

House of Commons (HOC) Westminster Hall debate 27 February 2013 Asylum Support (Children and Young People)


UK Border Agency to ILPA of 27 February 2013 re CAAU (Case Assurance Audit Unit) meeting of 12 March 2013

From: Baker Barbara [] Sent: 26 February 2013 16:22Subject: UKBA CAAU Partner Forum 12/03/13 Dear all Thank you for attending the last CAAU partner forum on 06/12/12. Apologies for the […]


Refugee Action to ILPA of 26 February 2013 re Update on Assisted Voluntary Return and Withdrawing Asylum Claims

From: Kalyani McCarthy [] Sent: 26 February 2013 15:47Subject: Update on Assisted Voluntary Return and Withdrawing Asylum Claims Recently we have come across a number of cases where solicitors have […]


New UKBA fees from 6 April 2013

UK Border Agency announcement relating to changes in UKBA fees from 6 April 2013 UKBA fees leaflet written ministerial statement UKBA Dear colleague letter of 25 February 2013 re Charging for […]


Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules 7 February 2013


ILPA subcommittee reports February 2013


House of Commons (HOC) Hansard written answer Re: asylum, how many cases were removed from the detained fast track process in (a) 2010, (b) 2011 and (c) 2012. [142432] 13 February 2013

House of Commons (HOC) Hansard written answer Re: asylum, how many cases were removed from the detained fast track process in (a) 2010, (b) 2011 and (c) 2012. [142432] 13 […]


Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) Skilled Shortage Sensible. Full review of the recommended shortage occupation lists for the UK and Scotland, a sunset clause and the creative occupations 15 February 2013

Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) Skilled Shortage Sensible. Full review of the recommended shortage occupation lists for the UK and Scotland, a sunset clause and the creative occupations 15 February 2013