Category: Uncategorised


UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Amendments to Appeal Rights Issue number: 11/2012 16 July 2012

 UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Amendments to Appeal Rights Issue number: 11/2012 16 July 2012


UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Checking Educational Establishments Issue number: 12/2012 16 July 2012

 UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Checking Educational Establishments Issue number: 12/2012 16 July 2012


UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Derivative Rights of Residence – Chen Cases Issue number: 08/2012 16 July 2012

UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Derivative Rights of Residence – Chen Cases Issue number: 08/2012 16 July 2012


UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Retained Rights Issue number: 12/2012 16 July 2012

UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Retained Rights Issue number: 12/2012 16 July 2012


UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Revision to the Definition of EEA National Issue number: 09/2012 16 July 2012

UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice Revision to the Definition of EEA National Issue number: 09/2012 16 July 2012


SS (Sri Lanka) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 945

The Court of Appeal (Maurice Kay, Moore-Bick & Sullivan LLJ) considers the second-tier appeals test in relation to the removal of a mother and her two children, and the question […]


BA & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 944

The Court of Appeal (President of QBD, Black & Davis LLJ) considers whether a person refused permission to challenge removal directions and lawfulness of detention, is thereby barred from bringing […]


UK Border Agency (UKBA), guidance for staff who consider applications from migrants to come or to remain in the UK as the family members of settled UK residents or applicants for settlement

UK Border Agency (UKBA), guidance for staff who consider applications from migrants to come or to remain in the UK as the family members of settled UK residents or applicants […]


MK & AH v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWHC 1896 (Admin)

The Administrative Court (Foskett J) finds unlawful the Secretary of State’s policy instruction to the effect that decisions on further submissions, where a claim for section 4 support is attendant […]