Category: Uncategorised


Networks of asylum support in the UK and USA: a handbook of ideas, strategies and best practice for asylum support groups in a challenging social and economic climate March 2012

Networks of asylum support in the UK and USA: a handbook of ideas, strategies and best practice for asylum support groups in a challenging social and economic climate March 2012. […]


Government defeats Amendment to retain legal aid for immigration

Day 3 of House of Lords Report on the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill was delayed by Third Reading of the Protection of Freedoms Bill.  The debate […]


Legal Aid – specialist support lines win reprieve

Legal Aid – specialist support lines win reprieve Public Law Project instructed Leigh Day and Co. to represent them in a challenge to the Legal Service’s Commission’s terminating the specailist […]


Md Argu Miah & Ors v SSHD [2012] EWCA Civ 261

This judgment primarily concerns what has become known as the ‘near miss’ argument, in relation to applications which fail to meet the requirements of the immigration rules but are said to […]


Lamichhane v SSHD [2012] EWCA Civ 260

This judgment concerns the circumstances in which issues that were not before the Secretary of State at the time of her decision to refuse leave to remain may be raised on […]


UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice EU2 (A2) Nationals and Permanent Residence Issue number: 02/12 5 March 2012

UK Border Agency (UKBA) European Operational Policy Team Notice EU2 (A2) Nationals and Permanent Residence Issue number: 02/12 5 March 2012


‘Communicating with the Home Office in Family Proceedings’ protocol – Reissued 1 March 2012

‘Communicating with the Home Office in Family Proceedings’ protocol – Reissued 1 March 2012  Dear Colleague, I am contacting you because of the interest in family court proceedings. The ‘Communicating […]


Written Ministerial Statement by Home Secretary on UK Border Force

The following Written Ministerial Statement was laid today.  Looking at it, one might almost think that it is a direct response to ILPA’s letter to the Home Secretary immediately after […]


Changes affecting employment-related settlement, Tier 5 and overseas domestic workers: statement of intent, Home Office 29 February 2012

Changes affecting employment-related settlement, Tier 5 and overseas domestic workers: statement of intent, Home Office 29 February 2012