Rosalind Hodder Compton

Senior Legal & Policy Officer at Coram Children’s Legal Centre

Rosalind Hodder Compton is a Senior Legal & Policy Officer at Coram Children’s Legal Centre. Rosalind is a practicing solicitor, qualifying in 2013, and accredited at level 2 under the IAAS. She was seconded to the Greater London Assembly for a year in 2018, working on the Citizenship and Integration Initiative.

Rosalind's Upcoming Training

Wednesday 03 February 2021, 10:00 am – 13:15, 3.0 CPD Hours

Tutors: Rosalind Hodder Compton and Stewart MacLachlan, Senior Legal & Policy Officers at Coram Children’s Legal Centre

Migrant children and young people in care can face a number of challenges and barriers. These issues can stem from a lack of knowledge and awareness as to what their rights actually are, complex immigration systems, immigration statuses and the services and support they are entitled to.

This course will cover best practice in advising children in care and care leavers on immigration, asylum and nationality matters. We will cover the care system, local authority duties, the asylum process for children, immigration routes for children in care, the EU Settlement Scheme and nationality routes.

Topics to be covered include:

Is the child British or could they become British?

Registration of children

Immigration routes, including durable solutions

The asylum process for children

The EU Settlement Scheme

Trafficking and modern slavery

Options for care leavers whose immigration status is precarious


Rosalind's Past Training

There are estimated to be more than 900,000 children of non-Irish EU citizen parents living in the UK, born either here or abroad. This includes an estimated 239,000 UK-born children, some of whom may be British and others eligible to become British.

This course will cover best practice in advising on children’s nationality and applying to the EU Settlement Scheme, as well as addressing the particular practice issues specific to children. It includes in particular supporting children and young people in care and especially re-documenting and evidencing a child’s residence. We will also cover children in families and how to approach suitability issues for children and young people. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the issues facing children who are third-country family members.

The focus of the course will be on the practical steps involved in supporting a child to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme.

Topics to be covered include:

Is the child British or could they become British?

Children applying with their parent(s)

Children born before and post deadline
Children applying without their parents: looked-after children and care leavers

Obtaining documents for children: how to get them and what to do if you can’t

Evidencing a child’s residence

Children and suitability issues

Third-country national children’s applications