Implementing and Delivering Free Movement of EU Workers and Citizens


In partnership with the European Commission, EILN and the Queen Mary School of Law, this conference is designed to examine the implementation of free movement of workers in the UK, focusing in particular on the questions and problems which arise in practice with the implementation and enforcement of rights. In each session there will be a presentation and panel discussion with experts from other EU Member States to enlighten the audience regarding practices elsewhere in the EU.

Among the key areas which will be dealt with in this event are:

  • EU citizens and EU workers – what if they are also dual nationals – how to ensure their rights;
  • Third country national family members and other family members – who can live with a worker – implementation and enforcement of rights;
  • The transitional arrangements for EU workers (Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia from 1 July 2013) and the standstill clauses for workers in the EC Turkey regime;
  • Free movement and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – how can the Charter help enforcement of rights of movement?

Speakers include:

  • Mr Justice Nicholas Blake QC
    Adrian Berry (ILPA)
    Nick Rollason (EILN)
    Gillian More (European Commission)
    Alison Hunter (Wesley Gryk & Partners)
    Dr Helena Wray (Middlesex University)
    Elspeth Guild (Free Movement of Workers Network)
    Adam Weiss (AIRE Centre)
    Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary)
    Jean Lambert (European Parliament)
    Susanne Mooij (Everaert Advocaten, Netherlands)
    Karl Waheed (Waheed Cabinet, France)
    Hilkka Becker (Irish Immigrants Council, Ireland)
    Maria Malheiro Reymão (SRS Advogados & Associados, RL, Portugal)
    Professor Holger Hoffmann (Bielefeld, Germany)
    Luc Walleyn (Blanmailland & Co, Belgium)
    Dr Heinrich Vana (Breitenecker Kolbitsch Vana, Austria)

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