
Dr Julie is a medical doctor from the University of Copenhagen and she has also studied at Karolinska, Stockholm and Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris. She has worked in emergency medicine as an orthopaedic surgeon and as a general practitioner. Dr Julie Moltke has conducted epidemiological research in stress among children at Copenhagen University with more than 20,000 people. Dr Julie Moltke is educated in stress management and combines different teachings to help people increase stress resilience and improve their quality of life, focus, and productivity. Dr Julie works with companies and private enterprises to and offers workshops tailored to your specific need.
You can find out more information about Dr Julie Molkte here.
Sleep your way to better health
with Dr Julie Molkte
Mental Health Awareness Week Series 2020
Sleep is fundamental to optimal functioning of the immune system and supporting our physical and mental health. Sadly we seldom get the time to explore how much we personally need to really reap the benefits sleep has to offer our health and energy levels. Without time-sapping commutes and long office hours, the present crisis has gifted us the opportunity to experiment and discover our unique sleep success formulas. Join us for this 45-minute session to discover:
• The role of sleep in regulating our immune defences
• How to work out precisely how much sleep you need
• Tips to enhance the quality and quantity of sleep
• The 3 key mistakes you want to avoid when seeking a good nights rest
• Supplemental support to enhance recovery
Click here to access the ‘Sleep your way to Better Health recording’.
The Art of Sleeping: The Secret to Sleeping Better at Night for a Happier, Calmer More Successful Day by Rob Hobson
We’re bombarded with confusing and contradictory advice about achieving a better night’s sleep. So, what’s the secret? The Art of Sleeping combines the latest scientific research, expert advice, and Rob’s own tricks and tips about dealing with insomnia to create a concise, practical, and engaging handbook on achieving better sleep. By exploring the three key pillars of sleep: behaviour, environment, and diet (BED), readers will find themselves equipped with techniques to aid sleep and relaxation, and to live a happier, calmer, and more successful life.
The ABC of Better Sleep by Max Kirsten
Sleep is the most wonderful, precious and healing process. When was the last time you had a great night’s sleep? Working in collaboration with the London Sleep Centre, in Harley Street W1, London, Max Kirsten, a leading sleep specialist, has now developed his own unique hypnotic relaxation sleep protocols, based on working with many of his patients with sleep/insomnia difficulties. If you are one of those people who find it hard to fall asleep – or to stay asleep – this sleep program will give you the help and guidance you have been looking for by teaching you to find a wonderful, restful and natural night’s sleep, every night.
Podcasts and TED Talks about Sleep
Simple Solutions for Stress, Anxiety and Sleep for Lawyers and Professionals – David Pipe and Dr Julie Molkte
In this conversation I talk to Dr Julie Moltke about stress, sleep and anxiety and what we can do about it. We also discuss the benefits of CBD.
Why we Sleep with Matthew Walker – Deliciously Ella Podcast
Why do we sleep, how much does it matter, how much sleep do we really need, to what extent do lifestyle factors like coffee, alcohol and technology affect our ability to sleep? Today we’re talking to Matthew Walker, the award winning author of bestseller ‘Why We Sleep’ about sleep, getting to grips with our sleep cycles, the connection between sleep and our mental and physical health, how to sleep better and why we need to make it a priority.
Talks to inspire you to go to bed and get a good night sleep – TED Talks Compilation
Why we sleep matters now more than ever – Matt Walker, TED Talks
A good night’s sleep has perhaps never been more important. Sharing wisdom and debunking myths, sleep scientist Matt Walker discusses the impact of sleep on mind and body — from unleashing your creative powers to boosting your memory and immune health — and details practices you can start (and stop) doing tonight to get some rest.
What causes insomnia? – TED Talks
What keeps you up at night? Pondering deep questions? Excitement about a big trip? Stress about unfinished work? What if the very thing keeping you awake was stress about losing sleep? This seemingly unsolvable loop is at the heart of insomnia, the world’s most common sleep disorder. So what is insomnia? And is there any way to break the cycle? Dan Kwartler details the science of insomnia.
What happens to your brain if you don’t get sleep – Matt Walker, Tech Insider
How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Very Best Tips on Sleep by Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Sleep is one of the most undervalued components of our health – if we can improve the quality of our sleep, we can improve the quality of our lives. Getting more sleep improves every aspect of our lives – it makes us less prone to injury when we exercise, boosts our productivity and enhances our ability to lose weight. Yet so many of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
Podcasts & Bedtime Stories to help you Sleep
Sleep Stories by Calm
Sleep stories are soothing tales that mix music, sound fx and incredible voice talent to help you drift into dreamland.
Bedtime Yoga
Gentle Relaxing Cozy Flow – 20 minute practice
Bedtime Yoga Sequence – 35 minute practice
Yoga for Bedtime – 20 minute practice
Wind Down – 12 minute practice
Gift of Relaxation – 30 minute practice
Bedtime Yoga – 7 minute practice
Yoga Nidra for Sleep – Powerful Guided Meditation to Fall Asleep Fast – 23 minute practice
How to improve your Sleep
How to get to Sleep – NHS
Sleep Hygiene Tips – Headspace
Sleep Hygiene – Tuck
10 Tips to beat insomnia – NHS
How to cope with sleep problems – MIND
Time To Sleep Better with the New Sleep Hygiene Guidelines – Sleep Council
What causes insomnia? – TED Talks
Why Alcohol, Nicotine Disrupt Your Sleep More Than Coffee – Healthline