Introduction to Vicarious Trauma

Learn more about vicarious trauma and how it can affect you – LawCare

Vicarious Trauma Fact Sheet – LawCare

Vicarious Trauma – Wellbeing at the Bar (information pack available here)

Vicarious trauma: signs and strategies for coping – British Medical Association

Journals and Articles

Vicarious Trauma in the Legal Profession: a practical guide to trauma, burnout and collective care by Joanna Fleck and Rachel Francis

Compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress in UK therapists who work with adult trauma clients by Ekundayo A. Sodeke-Gregson, Sue Holttum & Jo Billings – European Journal of Psychotraumatology

Secondary Traumatic Stress by Lee Moore – Counsel

Protecting asylum practitioners from emotional strain and secondary trauma: education, support and reform by Neil Graffin – European Journal of Current Legal Issues

Vicarious traumatisation in lawyers working with traumatised asylum seekers: a pilot study by Line Rønning, Jocelyn Blumberg and Jesper Dammeyer – Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

Abstract: Although vicarious traumatisation has been documented in numerous professional groups, the research on asylum lawyers is sparse. This pilot study aimed to explore whether asylum lawyers are affected by their work with traumatised clients. Seventy asylum lawyers completed a pilot survey consisting of the Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale; Impact of Event Scale–Revised; Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales; and a work-characteristics questionnaire. The results included significant association between higher contacts with trauma-exposed clients and anxiety; higher weekly work hours and fewer years of experience in asylum law with more stress; fewer years of experience with general trauma scores and intrusion symptoms; and more clients per week with cognitive changes regarding trust in others. The findings highlight the potentially detrimental impact on asylum lawyers of working with traumatised clients and the need for further investigation.

Psychosis isn’t catching but burnout is a risk for many caring professionals by Claudia Cahalane – The Guardian

Podcasts and Ted Talks

Drowning in Empathy: The Cost of Vicarious Trauma by Amy Cunningham – TEDx Talks

Burnout and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder by Dr. Geri Puleo – TEDx Talks

Vicarious Trauma by David Gill – Risk and Resilience Presents

Vicarious Trauma and Art Therapy – Therapy Chat Podcasts with Laura Reagan

Structural Disassociation – Therapy Chat Podcasts with Laura Reagan

Exploring PTSD and Trauma – The Oh Sh*T Podcast


Vicarious Trauma: Impact, Solutions & Prevention – Women’s Aid

Vicarious Trauma and Self-care – Freedom from Torture

Vicarious Trauma Training Materials developed by Freedom from Torture