Core information for members
These are the policies that all members are expected to know and understand.
ILPA’s Memorandum and Articles of Association describe the objects and purpose of ILPA, the role of officers, and procedures.
ILPA’s Guidelines for Members describe what is expected from you, and what you can expect from fellow members.
ILPA’s policy on Resolving Member Queries sets out what you should do if you have a query on an individual case and are seeking help to resolve it.
Members can use the ‘Member of ILPA’ logo to advertise their membership and are encouraged to do so. As we are not a regulatory body we do not allow use by anyone of the ILPA company logo, please let the ILPA Secretariat know if you come across cases where the ILPA company logo is being used.
For policies relating to this website, see Accessibility and Legal Information.
A range of other policies and procedures will help you understand about ILPA’s work. These are set out below.
Equal Opportunities Policy
The current policy was updated to reflect changes in legislation and approved by the committee of trustees on 14 September 2011 .
ILPA Safeguarding Policies
The current Safeguarding Policies which were adopted on the 1st June 2021 can be found here:
The Committee of Trustees
Under the Memorandum and Articles of Association, the Committee of Trustees is elected annually by the membership at the Annual General Meeting which is usually held towards the end of November. Requests for nominations are sent out in the ILPA mailing. You must be a member of ILPA to stand for the Committee of Trustees and you must be nominated by a fellow member (who can be a member of the same chambers, firm or organisation). The Committee of Trustees also has the power to co-opt members in accordance with the Articles of Association.
Working Groups and active members
Working Group convenors are appointed by Committee of Trustees. The Committee of Trustees and the Secretariat receive requests for ILPA to attend meetings and for people to speak publicly on behalf of ILPA. Members are asked by the Secretariat or the Committee of Trustees to undertake these tasks, based on knowledge of their expertise, but also of the enthusiasm they have shown for particular topics and the work they have done on them to date, be it training, contributing to consultation responses or bringing useful information to the attention of their fellow members. Read about:
Leading on consultation responses for ILPA
ILPA stylesheet for those contributing to ILPA publications.
The Secretariat
The Secretariat’s Complaints Policy deals with complaints about the Secretariat. For complaints about members see ILPA’s disciplinary regulations for members.
Read about volunteering in the ILPA Secretariat.
Train for ILPA
The Secretariat puts together ILPA’s training programme, assisted by the Training subcommittee. All members are welcome to attend training subcommittee meetings and to make suggestions for training, whether to the Secretariat or to the training subcommittee. More information on training for ILPA.
Money and finance
Read ILPA’s ILPA’s reserves policy
Training for ILPA or been asked to travel on ILPA business? You will find a copy of ILPA’s expenses policy.
Read ILPA’s latest accounts.
The Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law
Members and non-members alike are welcome to submit articles and casenotes to ILPA’s official journal which is a peer review journal published by Bloomsbury Professional. The Secretariat receives all articles and contributions for the journal and transmits them to the editors.
Dowload a copy of the Journal Style sheet.
The Library
Members are welcome to consult ILPA’s library, held at the Secretariat, by appointment. We welcome donations of books and materials to the library and thank the many members who are authors, and Bloomsbury Professional, publishers of ILPA’s journal, for their donations to the library.