Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Code of conduct for interpreters: caseworker guidance (25 March 2024).

Updated the interpreters code of conduct. A full list of changes can be found in the document.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Victims of domestic violence: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

‘Appendix victim of domestic abuse’ updated to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Victims of domestic violence: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated guidance to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules made in Statement of Changes HC 590, laid on 14 March 2024.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

EU Settlement Scheme: administrative review (4 April 2024).

Updated because you can no longer make a new application for an administrative review. The estimated time it will take to get a decision is now 24 months or more.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

EU Settlement Scheme: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated the EU Settlement Scheme: EU, other EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members guidance to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules made in Statement of Changes HC 590, […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Apply for a UK visa as a member of HM Forces or their family: form VAF AF (4 April 2024).

Updated the appendix 2 financial requirement form in line with the Immigration Rule changes.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Administrative review: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated the Administrative review: EU Settlement Scheme, service providers from Switzerland and S2 healthcare visitors guidance has been updated to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules from 4 April 2024, […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Apply for the migrant victims of domestic abuse concession (4 April 2024).

Updated the form in line with Appendix VDA changes coming in on 4 April.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Criminal records checks for overseas applicants (4 April 2024).

Updated information about criminal record certificates for UK visas in line with changes to the Immigration Rules.

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