Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Legal Aid update by Jackie Peirce and Sonia Routledge of 13 February 2008 re Immigration CMRF

Legal Aid update by Jackie Peirce and Sonia Routledge of 13 February 2008 re Immigration CMRF


UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 1 quality of decision meeting 12 February 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 1 quality of decision meeting 12 February 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 2 DFT and DNSA suitability criteria 12 February 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 2 DFT and DNSA suitability criteria 12 February 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 3 health issues in DFT and DNSA 12 February 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 3 health issues  in DFT and DNSA 12 February 2008


UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 4 access to legal advice in DFT and DNSA 12 February 2008

UK Border Agency (UKBA), breakout group discussions, task 4 access to legal advice in DFT and DNSA 12 February 2008


National Asylum Stakeholder Forum (NASF), Ref: DFT & DNSA Workshop, 12 February 2008

National Asylum Stakeholder Forum (NASF), Ref: DFT & DNSA Workshop, 12 February 2008

Mailing or Enclosure

Note of supplementary meeting under the Legal Services Commission, LSC , Civil Contracts Consultative Group, CCCG Immigration Representative Bodies meeting 9 February 2008

Note of supplementary meeting under the Legal Services Commission, LSC , Civil Contracts Consultative Group, CCCG Immigration Representative Bodies meeting 9 February 2008


ILPA Submission to the Home Affairs Committee Enquiry into Trafficking 7 February 2008

ILPA Submission to the Home Affairs Committee Enquiry into Trafficking 7 February 2008


Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, Inquiry into Trafficking, ILPA Initial Memorandum of Evidence of 07 February 2008

Home Affairs Select Committee of the House of Commons, Inquiry into Trafficking, ILPA Initial Memorandum of Evidence of 07 February 2008

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on