Resource Archive

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Department of Constitutional Affairs, Consultation on proposed amendment to the Lord Chancellor’s authorisation on the scope of legal aid – business cases, Department’s letter in response to ILPA of 4 April 2007

Department of Constitutional Affairs, Consultation on proposed amendment to the Lord Chancellor’s authorisation on the scope of legal aid – business cases, Department’s letter in response to ILPA of 4 […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Housing and Immigration Group (HIG) 2 April 2007 Notes on S.21 accomodation dutry and social services assessment duty

Housing and Immigration Group (HIG) 2 April 2007 Notes on S.21 accomodation dutry and social services assessment duty

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) New fee levels for applications made in the UK from 2 April 2007

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) New fee levels for applications made in the UK from 2 April 2007

ILPA documents

Applying for Settlement

Applying for Settlement

ILPA documents

Update on Asylum | April 2007

Update on Asylum | April 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

Medical Foundation for the care of victims of torture to ILPA of 20 March 2007 re Asylum Policy Instruction – Medical Foundation

Medical Foundation for the care of victims of torture to ILPA of 20 March 2007 re Asylum Policy Instruction – Medical Foundation

Mailing or Enclosure

Press release from HMCIP on Foreign National Prisioners – ineffective Systems, Rising Self-Harm and Population Pressure, report by HMIP

Press release from HMCIP on Foreign National Prisioners – ineffective Systems, Rising Self-Harm and Population Pressure, report by HMIP

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on legal representation at IRICs by Matthew Davies of 10 April 2007

Note on legal representation at IRICs by Matthew Davies of 10 April 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on constructive removal of British citizen children by Nicola Rogers and Fiona Lindsley of 10 April 2007

Note on constructive removal of British citizen children by Nicola Rogers and Fiona Lindsley of 10 April 2007

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on