Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Note on publication of Internal Guidance sent by Helen Newby, WPUK HSMP team to J Perrott, Fragoment LLP of 19 March 2007

Note on publication of Internal Guidance sent by Helen Newby, WPUK HSMP team to J Perrott, Fragoment LLP of 19 March 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

Correspondence between J Perrott, Fragomen LLP and WPUK, HSMP LTR team of March 2007 re activating HSMP status once an individual has obtained entry clearance as a highly skilled migrant

Correspondence between J Perrott, Fragomen LLP and WPUK, HSMP LTR team of March 2007 re activating HSMP status once an individual has obtained entry clearance as a highly skilled migrant

Mailing or Enclosure

BIA to ILPA of 11 and 16 April 2007 re transitional arrangements for travel document applications

BIA to ILPA of 11 and 16 April 2007 re transitional arrangements for travel document applications

Mailing or Enclosure

Managed Migration Directorate to ILPA of 29 March 2007 and ILPA to Managed Migration Directorate of 12 April 2007 re EEA dependant applications

Managed Migration Directorate to ILPA of 29 March 2007 and ILPA to Managed Migration Directorate of 12 April 2007 re EEA dependant applications

Mailing or Enclosure

Managed Migration to ILPA of 30 March 2007 re response to questions from ILPA re settlement applications from 2 April 2007

Managed Migration to ILPA of 30 March 2007 re response to questions from ILPA re settlement applications from 2 April 2007

Mailing or Enclosure

Operations and Transition Director, Managed Migration to ILPA of 3 April 2007 re Border and Immigration Agency fees and the new settlement

Operations and Transition Director, Managed Migration to ILPA of 3 April 2007 re Border and Immigration Agency fees and the new settlement

Mailing or Enclosure

Chief Executive of BIA to (ILPA) of 30 March 2007 re Border and Immigration Agency launch

Chief Executive of BIA to (ILPA) of 30 March 2007 re Border and Immigration Agency launch

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate to members of the Asylum Processes Steering Group and NAM Stakeholder Group of 30 March 2007, 5 March 2007, 19 December 2006 re amendment to Discretionary Leave Policy relating to asylum seeking children, NAM minors’

Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate to members of the Asylum Processes Steering Group and NAM Stakeholder Group of 30 March 2007, 5 March 2007, 19 December 2006 re amendment to […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND) Amendment to Discretionary Leave Policy relating to Asylum Seeking Children APU Notice 3/2007 30 March 2007

Home Office Immigration and Nationality Directorate (IND)  Amendment to Discretionary Leave Policy relating to Asylum Seeking Children APU Notice 3/2007 30 March 2007

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on