Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Note by Sue Willman, Pierce Glyn Solicitors and Alasdair Mackenzie, Doughty Street Chambers of 17 August 2006 re travel expenses for asylum seekers/ failed asylum seekers who are required to report to Immigration Service

Note by Sue Willman, Pierce Glyn Solicitors and Alasdair Mackenzie, Doughty Street Chambers of 17 August 2006 re travel expenses for asylum seekers/ failed asylum seekers who are required to […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Policy Stakeholder Group members of 31 July 2006 re changes to policy regarding countersignatures on Home Office travel document applications

Asylum Policy Unit, IND to Asylum Policy Stakeholder Group members of 31 July 2006 re changes to policy regarding countersignatures on Home Office travel document applications

Mailing or Enclosure

Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate, IND to ILPA of 9 August 2006, Section 2 statistics update for the period 01/01/06 to 31/05/06, VARRP, contact management/electronic monitoring – update for August APSG

Asylum and Appeals Policy Directorate, IND to ILPA of 9 August 2006, Section 2 statistics update for the period 01/01/06 to 31/05/06, VARRP, contact management/electronic monitoring – update for August […]

Mailing or Enclosure

Managed Migration, IND to ILPA of 9 June 2006 re follow up to IND/ILPA meetings on the ECAA held on 8 and 22 February 2006

Managed Migration, IND to ILPA of 9 June 2006 re follow up to IND/ILPA meetings on the ECAA held on 8 and 22 February 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Secretary to ILPA of 19 July 2006 re transforming the Home Office

Home Secretary to ILPA of 19 July 2006 re transforming the Home Office

Mailing or Enclosure

Home Office to ILPA of 7 August 2006 re draft Short-Term Holding Facility (STHF) Rules

Home Office to ILPA of 7 August 2006 re draft Short-Term Holding Facility (STHF) Rules

Mailing or Enclosure

European Court of Human Rights – Saadi – press release of 11 July 2006

European Court of Human Rights – Saadi – press release of 11 July 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

Note on AA (Risk for involuntary returnees) Zimbabwe CG [2006] UKAIT of 2 August 2006

Note on AA (Risk for involuntary returnees) Zimbabwe CG [2006] UKAIT of 2 August 2006

Mailing or Enclosure

Written Ministerial Statement – Liam Byrne, Ministerial Authorisation (Zimbabwe), 19 July 2006

Written Ministerial Statement – Liam Byrne, Ministerial Authorisation (Zimbabwe), 19 July 2006

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on