Resource Archive

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ILPA documents | ILPA Weekly Update

ILPA Weekly Update 29 November 2021

Meet the Committee of Trustees We are delighted to announce the new committee of trustees, who were confirmed at our AGM on 23 November 2021. Please find their candidate statements […]

Home Office Documents | European

ILPA AGM Follow Up (30 November 2021)

Update: Further to the answers to questions provided at the AGM which are set out in the document below, we subsequently followed up with Gabi Monk a question which was […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI External Relations Stakeholder Update (30 November 2021)

ILPA documents | Isle of Man

ILPA Isle of Man working group meeting agenda 6 December 2021

Next meeting: Monday 06 December 2021, 17:30 – 18:30 register here 1.         Welcome and Introductions 2.         Terms of reference: a.         Purpose of the working group b.         Initial convenor c.         Upcoming Meetings […]


ILPA Annual Report 2021

ILPA documents

ILPA audited and signed accounts for year end 31 March 2021

Briefing | European

the3million submission to Independent Monitoring Authority November 2021: Impact and analysis of delays in the EU Settlement Scheme (24 November 2021)

With many thanks to Monique Hawkins for sharing it with ILPA, please see below the3million’s submission to the IMA of 24 November 2021.

Home Office Documents | European

Gabi Monk’s Response to ILPA’s Letters of 22 June, 24 June and 29 September 2021 (25 November 2021)

Please see below Gabi Monk’s response to ILPA’s letters of 22 June, 24 June and 29 September 2021.

Home Office Documents | Children

Adopted children and children coming to the UK for adoption caseworker guidance (26 November 2021)

Immigration staff guidance on considering applications for entry or leave as an adopted child or a child coming to the UK for adoption. The guidance has been updated below.

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on