Resource Archive

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ILPA documents | European

Letter to the Home Office re: Zambrano applications

Please find below ILPA’s letter to the Home Office regarding Zambrano applications.

Uncategorised | Strategic Litigation Fund

Strategic Legal Fund update, June 2021

The Strategic Legal Fund supports grantees to achieve successful strategic litigation and interventions with the aim to improve the implementation and enforcement of policies for people discriminated against because of, […]

Home Office Documents

Coronavirus (Covid-19) contingency measures

Please find below a document outlining the LAA COVID-19 Contingency Update for June 2021.

ILPA documents | European

Who needs leave to remain? The uncertain legal consequences of missing the EU settlement scheme deadline (first published 23rd June 2021; revised version of 28 June 2021 published 8 July 2021)

Bernard Ryan, Professor of Law, University of Leicester  

ILPA documents

Legal Activities – June 2021

ILPA’s legal activities carried out this month include meeting with the Legal Aid Agency to discuss family reunion applications and meeting with the County Court. ILPA’s Legal Director attended a […]

ILPA documents

Revised Home Office Covid-19 Guidance on the EU Settlement Scheme

Prepared by Unkha Banda, Solicitor at Bindmans LLP On 10 June 2021, the Home Office published revised guidance, Coronavirus (Covid-19): EU Settlement Scheme, following a successful legal challenge by Here […]

ILPA documents

Upper Tribunal hands down new country guidance on Sri Lankan asylum claims

Prepared by Antonia Benfield, Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers In the case of KK and RS (Sur place activities: risk) Sri Lanka CG [2021] UKUT 0130 (IAC) the Tribunal has […]

ILPA documents

Challenge to adequacy of accommodation at Napier Barracks succeeds

Prepared by Ben Amunwa, Barrister at The 36 Group R(NB & Ors) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2021] EWHC 1489 (Admin) is a substantial judgment by Linden J, […]

ILPA documents | European

Letter to Gabi Monk with EUSS issues (22 June 2021)

Please see the below which has been sent to Gabi today, we will circulate a response when received.

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on