Resource Archive

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Home Office Documents | European

Automatic acquisition of British citizenship: caseworker guidance (21 November 2023)

The Immigration staff guidance on whether an individual has an automatic claim to British citizenship has been updated below with added information ‘to clarify when a child’s parent is settled in the […]

Home Office Documents | European

Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements: Review 2023 to 2024 (17 November 2023)

The Ministry of Justice’s review, ‘Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements: Review 2023 to 2024’, part of the government’s Public Bodies Review Programme, has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Questionnaire: continue your asylum claim (22 November)

Information has been added to the guidance below for applicants from Iran, who applied for asylum between 28 June 2022 to 7 March 2023.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Skilled refugees contributing £1m to UK economy each year (17 November 2023)

A news story that ‘The UK government is encouraging businesses to use the Displaced Talent Mobility pilot to help at-risk people from around the world to help fill skills gaps’ […]

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Living in initial accommodation (17 November 2023)

A guide primarily for asylum seekers staying in initial accommodation has been published below and further published in Farsi below, Kurdish below, Pashto below and Urdu below.

Home Office Documents | Refugee

Asylum accommodation factsheets (16 November 2023)

Factsheet and newsletter for Wethersfield for proposed new accommodation sites for asylum seekers updated below.

Home Office Documents | Economic Migration

Right to work and right to rent checks: equality impact assessments (16 November 2023)

Equality impact assessment on increasing the maximum civil penalty amount for the right to work and right to rent schemes has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Advance information requirements for international General Aviation flights (22 November 2023)

The Consultation response to a proposal to require people responsible for international General Aviation (GA) flights to submit information online and in advance about flights and people on board has […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UK visa fees (22 November 2023)

Home Office immigration and nationality fee update for the electronic travel authorisation (ETA) for use on or after 25 October 2023 below.

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