Resource Type: Courts and Tribunals

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Courts and Tribunals

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) to Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) response to Freedom of Information (FOI) re Immigration bail application outcomes 31 July 2012

HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) to Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) response to Freedom of Information (FOI) re Immigration bail application outcomes 31 July 2012. FOI/72543 Links below to requesting […]

General | Courts and Tribunals

SG (Iraq) & Anor v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 940

In this matter, the Court of Appeal (Maurice Kay, Stanley Burnton and Gross LLJ) gives guidance as to the approach to be adopted by the courts where a stay of […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts & Tribunals Service Information Note Regarding the Immigration and Asylum Chamber during the Paralympic Games 2 July 2012

HM Courts & Tribunals Service Information Note Regarding the Immigration and Asylum Chamber during the Paralympic Games 2 July 2012

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts & Tribunals Service: Information Note Regarding the Immigration and Asylum Chamber during the Olympic Games May 2012

HM Courts & Tribunal Service: Information Note Regarding the Immigration and Asylum Chamber  during the Olympic Games May 2012

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts & Tribunal Service to Lawrence Lupin re request for information under the Freedom Of Information Act concerning permission to appeal 12 March 2012 and 12 January 2012

HM Courts & Tribunal Service to Lawrence Lupin re request for information under the Freedom Of Information Act concerning permission to appeal:  “We would appreciate if you could confirm the […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA to Ministry of Justice of 11 April 2012 re FOI request re ij protocols and guidance and response from HM Courts and Tribunals Service of 23 April 2012

General | Courts and Tribunals

KP & MRK v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] CSIH 38 XA25/11

The Inner House of the Court of Session concludes that the Act of Sederunt seeking to apply the “second-tier appeals” test (that in section 13(6) of the Tribunals, Courts and […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts and Tribunals Service re commencement of fees for appeals in the Immigration and Asylum chamber of the First-tier Tribunal

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

Email from VERIFIED (language analysts) to ILPA, 10 November 2011

From: Roderick Martin [] Sent: 10 November 2011 13:54To: VB: UK Border Agency Corporate Partner Update – Resumption of Language Analysis (LA) Testing   Dear Mr Symonds For the […]