Resource Type: Courts and Tribunals

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Courts and Tribunals

General | Courts and Tribunals

Implementation timetable for fees for the First Tier Tribunal, 7 November 2011

Implementation timetable for fees for the First Tier Tribunal, 7 November 2011 From: IAC, Customer Service [] Sent: 07 November 2011 15:53 To: Henry Oliver Subject: RE: Our Ref: AP […]

General | Courts and Tribunals

Transfer of fresh claim judicial review to the Upper Tribunal 17 October 2011

Classes of cases specified under section 18(6) of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 Direction made by the Lord Chief Justice. Now with the Lord Chief Justice’s Direction. Judicial […]

General | Courts and Tribunals

PR (Sri Lanka), SS (Bangladesh) & TC (Zimbabwe) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 988

PR (Sri Lanka), SS (Bangladesh) & TC (Zimbabwe) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 988 These were three renewed applications for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal on the […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts and Tribunals Service to consultees of 17 May 2011 re introducing fee charges for appeals in the Immigration and Asylum Chambers of the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

HM Courts and Tribunals Service to Stakeholders in the Immigration and Asylum Tribunal of 16 May 2011 re new address for correspondence

Briefing | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA email to Mr Aundrae Jordine, Policy Manager, HM Courts & Tribunals Services, 17 June 2011

ILPA is concerned that this consultation is being conducted before the Lord Chief Justice has made his direction. As a result, responses have to be filed in ignorance of whether […]

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

Chief Executive, HM Courts and Tribunals Service of 1 April 2011 re launch of HM Courts and Tribunals Service

Chief Executive, HM Courts and Tribunals Service of 1 April 2011 re launch of HM Courts and Tribunals Service

Mailing or Enclosure | Courts and Tribunals

ILPA note on HM Courts and Tribunals Service website, archived websites and searching for old documents of 15 April 2011

ILPA note on HM Courts and Tribunals Service website, archived websites and searching for old documents of 15 April 2011

Briefing | Courts and Tribunals

Ministry of Justice consultation A Platform for the Future (merger of the Courts and Tribunals services), ILPA response of 25 February 2011

Ministry of Justice consultation A Platform for the Future (merger of the Courts and Tribunals services), ILPA response of 25 February 2011