Resource Type: Family and Personal Migration

Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association Working Group on Family and Personal Migration

ILPA documents | Family and Personal Migration

ILPA Comments on Issues in Appendix Continuous Residence for Long Residence Applications in the Statement of Changes HC 590 (23 April 2024)

Following the Statement of Changes HC 590, laid on 14 March 2024, ILPA has sent the below comments to the Home Office’s Simplification of the Rules Taskforce (SORT) regarding urgent […]

Minutes | Family and Personal Migration

Draft Minutes of ILPA Family & Personal Migration Working Group Meeting (7 February 2024)

ILPA documents | Refugee

ILPA and Refugee Council Letter to Home Office Re: Newborn Children of Refugees (30 March 2024)

ILPA and the Refugee Council sent the below joint letter to Dave Draper, Head of Asylum Children and Secondary Casework at the Home Office, on 30 March 2024 outlining key concerns […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Victims of domestic violence: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

‘Appendix victim of domestic abuse’ updated to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Victims of domestic violence: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated guidance to reflect changes to the Immigration Rules made in Statement of Changes HC 590, laid on 14 March 2024.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Appendix Children: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated version of the Appendix Children guidance, which includes updates on the routes to which Appendix Children applies, and includes guidance on considering applications from dependent children on HM Armed […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Relationship with a partner: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated guidance to reflect the inclusion of the following routes: Appendix HM Armed Forces, Appendix Hong Kong British National (Overseas), Appendix International Armed Forces and International Civilian Employees, and Appendix […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Dependent family members in work routes: caseworker guidance (4 April 2024).

Updated the dependent family members in work route caseworker guidance with changes related to the use of SOC 2020 in place of SOC 2010, and clarifying the qualifying period.

ILPA documents | Key Documents

The Gaza Families Reunited campaign joint letter to the Home Secretary (2 April 2024)

ILPA is one of 75 organisations who have signed a joint letter calling for the Home Secretary to urgently create a Gaza Family Scheme to enable family members of Palestinians […]